


I had such a great day today. I got home from work, had dinner and finally sat down to write.  I thought about things that have happened in my life.  I think about the way people interact with each other. We are all so different.  I am so thankful that my life has been filled with such great people.  Gratitude.  Thanks you Lord for the wonderful country I live in and for all the men and women who put their lives on the line for the freedom we enjoy.  May God Richly Bless all of them.

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2 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. And thank you for a great message.


  2. Oh yeah! You’re a Canadian. Me too. I haven’t lived there for 12 years, but my family is there and I go back often.
    Way to be grateful. I’m grateful too for my life and all the blessings in it.
    Have a great day.

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